Karl & Nikki, tenants at the Joiners Arms share with us why they held onto their BeeBox system and how they use it.

We inherited our BeeBox, when we took over from the previous Tenant. Initially we weren’t sure about keeping it, we figured it was a cost we could do without so we decided to give it a 6 week test and we’re so glad we did.

Our regulars were already familiar with the Pub Quiz feature on the BeeBox and we quickly found that this alone saved us on the expense of having someone hosting our weekly pub quiz. As a village pub our weekly quiz night is a popular evening with our regulars and for us it fills a flat spot in our mid week trade. We’ve also used the Horse Racing game for a charity night and we’ll probably do that annually.

We use the BeeBox advertising but we’re careful with how much we advertise. We’ve stripped back what we have on the screen and only ever have 3 of our own promotions showing and it works for us. The rest of time our TV screen has the funny blooper videos, sports & news headlines on. We also break things up a bit with the quick quiz questions, which as a pub with a weekly quiz, is very popular”.